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Life Update 💁🇨🇦

Hello devoted blog readers,

I am currently writing this post on Sunday January 29th, 2017. First of all, I would like to wish you all a very overdue Happy New Year... Can you believe that it is almost February already?

Most of you are here because of my presentation about saving paper. As you probably know, I finished my presentation and the unit :(, and as you might not know, we have started a new unit in I and S called #Canada150 in order to learn about Canada as its 150th birthday rolls around:). We are almost finished this unit already and I cannot wait for further studies in this class.

In terms of how I'm living my life saving paper wise, I am still doing the majority of my work digitally and I am being very cautious when using paper or other materials that are harmful to the environment.

In my I and S class, we are starting a new task called History Beats where we pick a song about a historical event and we analyze it. We have just started this task and I have chosen Waving Flag as my song for the task. I cannot wait to present my analysis in front of the class and hopefully blog the experience as well.

Thank you all for sticking around to the end - I really appreciate it. I will be trying to upload more blogs and if you have any feedback, don't forget to leave me a shout!!

Thanks again,

Saving Paper Makes The Environment Greater!!

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